The Process

Embarking on a project as extensive as redesigning your family's kitchen can be a daunting task. However, it is often something our clients have dreamed of doing for a long time, and offers an exciting opportunity to create something tangible that will serve you for years to come.

After a brief conversation with you about your project - either working from a floor plan or physical measurements - an initial quote and drawing will be supplied. Given the nature of the task in hand we’d always anticipate this first draft of your design to serve as a springboard for a more targeted and concise discussion with a view to honing the concept to a point that you feel satisfies your brief. We’ll never rush you; this stage takes as long as is required!

Open plan traditional kitchen, in a dark green, with slate Kitchen with AGA and bespoke open larder Centre island dining table Kitchen with AGA and bespoke open larder large open plan kitchen Bespoke kitchen larder, kitchen with AGA Modern light kitchen with vibrant wall colours Modern light kitchen, centre island with seating Contemporary kitchen wih butler sink Detail of drawer joint and soliwood tray, open matching bespoke larder Traditional kitchen with range, oak beams Modern light kitchen, with solid wood bar Modern light kitchen, with solid wood bar Modern dark kitchen with range and seperate larder and full height fridge Modern dark kitchen with range and seperate larder and full height fridge Modern dark kitchen drawer detail, matching bespoke larder

We are very proud to be specialised cabinet makers, and as such we don’t take on plumbing or electrical work as we believe specialists in every field will provide the best result. We are happy to liaise with your chosen trades so you aren’t left managing a project at a level you’re uncomfortable with. In the same vein, we detail prices for worktops, appliances, and handles separately to our cabinetry quote. This enables you to either use our preferred suppliers or to source your own.

Modern dark kitchen with range and seperate larder and full height fridge
Modern dark kitchen with range and seperate larder and full height fridge

A kitchen will normally take us three to four weeks to fabricate in the workshop. Once fully manufactured and decorated, the kitchen will be delivered to your property. Based on an average kitchen, installation to the point at which worktops can be templated will be approximately three to four days. Around seven to ten days after this, your worktops will be fitted, and any final cabinetry installation can be completed.


Whilst nothing about our kitchens is ‘average’, an average-sized kitchen, with branded appliances, quartz worktops, and premium Armac Martin handles will cost in the region of £40,000 - £45,000 inclusive of design & manufacture, decoration & installation, and VAT. We’re confident that at this price point we offer the most bespoke, high quality product available, with faultless customer service.

The latest from our workshop